Two on air media

Conneaut Area City School District recently named Jim Kulko, Great Wave Communications, and Chuck Guglielmo, Conneaut Ohio Cable Access Television,  to the Ohio School Boards Association 2021 Media Honor Roll. The Media Honor Roll recognizes media representatives statewide for fair and balanced reporting of news about public schools. Media representatives from more than 100 Ohio newspapers and radio and television stations were honored by their local school districts.

Criteria for selection by the local school districts include the media representative’s efforts to get to know the superintendent, board president, and district mission and goals; report school news in a fair, accurate and balanced manner; give a high profile to positive news about schools; visit the schools; and maintain a policy of “no surprises” by sharing information with school officials.

“OSBA is pleased that so many school districts around the state participated in the 2021 Media Honor Roll program,” said OSBA Chief Executive Officer Rick Lewis.

"I would like to congratulate both Chuck and Jim and thank them for fairly and accurately reporting on the successes of Conneaut students and  teachers, as well as conveying to our community the many challenges that both the school board and I face," said Superintendent Lori Riley.

OSBA sends personalized certificates to school boards to help them honor reporters, editors and news outlets. OSBA also recognizes the honorees in its Journal magazine and on its website.

Founded in 1955, OSBA leads the way to educational excellence by serving Ohio’s public school board members and the diverse districts they represent through superior service, unwavering advocacy and creative solutions.